Your One-Stop Shop for Scholarships

How to compare colleges, to make your target college list – with the best safety schools and reach schools suited for you!

Every student deserves to apply to his or her dream school. But how do you narrow down a list of solid choices to apply to when there are so many options out there? And how do you make sure you also apply to some “realistic” colleges, to make sure you get into at least one? We’re walking you through the steps to simplify creating your list of colleges to apply to.

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What’s a winning scholarship essay look like? Check out this Going Merry success story with Gabby DeMott

The scholarship application required an essay answering the following prompt: “Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.” Writing this essay gave Gabby the opportunity to reflect on and write about her experience in Germany and what she took back with her when returning to America. Since she won big, we asked Gabby to share tips for future scholarship applicants, and she told us her scholarship success story!

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How to write a winning scholarship essay about your academic goals

Have you ever opened up a scholarship application only to find that you have to write yet ANOTHER scholarship essay, this time about your academic goals? We get it. There’s a lot of writing involved when you’re applying! Well, we’re here to guide you through your academic goals essay, with scholarship essay tips and a template. We’ve even got a surprise for you at the end that will save you time on your scholarship applications.

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A guide to writing the best personal statement for your college application (with template and examples!)

Why is boasting about a best friend SO much easier than writing about yourself? Unfortunately, writing about yourself is exactly what a personal statement essay requires you to do–whether it’s for your college admissions application, or for a scholarship application to pay for college. Here’s our guide, to ensure you’re well-equipped to write a killer personal statement!

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How to ask for a letter of recommendation for your college app

Would you purchase anything on Amazon before reading the reviews? We rely heavily on other people’s opinions to form our opinions or to back up our existing thoughts. In the same way, colleges want to know what other people think about you, so a letter of recommendation (LOR) boosts your personal and academic validity. Your letter of recommendation (also known as a “reference letter”), is a personal review that helps persuade colleges that you’re the right fit for them. But where do you start in requesting a letter of recommendation? Let’s break it down.

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Why We Started the Going Merry Scholarships App: The Origin Story

If there’s a Common App to apply to multiple schools at once, why isn’t there a way to apply for multiple scholarships at once? That was my question as I started to search for scholarships for a second time, this time for graduate school. A quick look on the leading scholarship sites suggested there was $24 billion awarded every year. In fact, they even “matched” me with 53 scholarships offering more than $200,000. But all they did was list the scholarships. To actually apply, I had to click 53 links to be redirected to 53 different sites. It made no sense. Going Merry was created to fix this problem.

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Scholarship Bundles: Apply for multiple scholarships simultaneously, using just one scholarship app

Back when I was a student applying for scholarships using those dreaded scholarship search engines, I noticed that scholarship applications often asked for the same information. So I’d type in my personal information over and over again, and copy and paste the exact same 500-word essay across application platforms. Never again! You might already know that, with Going Merry scholarships, you never have to fill out those scholarship application forms again. But did you know that, in some instances, we’ve even simplified that essay copy & pasting?

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What’s a winning scholarship essay look like? Actually, it’s a winning scholarship video.

More and more scholarships allow you to submit short videos instead of personal essays. Check out the winning scholarship essay video entry from Violetta Spinazzola, about her best friend Jess. We asked Violetta about how she made the heartwarming video, converting the $8 she spent on royalty-free music, to a $1000 scholarship award for her friend Jess!

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Arcadia High School Case Study: How Counselors Can Use Going Merry Effectively For Their Students

Arcadia High School discovered Going Merry when their district office director heard of a new free platform that was helping schools across the country. Excited to find a better way to run her scholarship program, Tabatha signed up for a counselor account and then was guided through the entire process. She merely forwarded on the old applications and the Going Merry team quickly converted them into digital form.

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25 Florida Scholarships for Higher Education in 2024

According to U.S. News and World Report, in-state tuition and fees have jumped 211% since 2002. Fortunately, a number of new scholarships — many of them exclusive to Florida residents — are now available through Going Merry’s scholarship search and application platform. Here are some of the best Florida scholarships to help you bridge financial aid gaps and cover your college tuition.

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What should I write in my Scholarship Thank You Letter?

Congratulations! You won that scholarship you applied for! You receive the notice that you’re the scholarship recipient, and notice you’re required to write a scholarship thank you letter. Trust us, a scholarship thank you letter is not difficult at all. The letter describes your gratitude (exactly what it sounds like). We’ll go through a few common questions about scholarship thank you letters to ease your mind. Read the FAQs here!

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Ready to find scholarships that are a match for you?